Monday, February 6, 2012

Excuses... Buried Alive

It's not very often that I get to do it, but some nights I love to sit at home and watch trashy tv. There are a few shows that really suck me in. It's hard for me to pass up the opportunity of watching Teen Mom 2, Sweet Home Alabama, and Locked Up: Raw. All three of these shows take time from me that I will never get back, and when I'm done watching them I feel useless. There is one show however that leaves me motivated, and no it is not Biggest Loser. Any TV program that can motivate people is a success, and this show dose just that. Hoarders: Buried Alive not only motivates me to clean, but it also motivates me to shower.

After watching a woman clean up most of  her roach filled house, I had a sudden "come to my senses" moment. I always wonder how in the world people let themselves get to the point of living in complete filth. But that should leave me wondering the same thing about my "house". Not my physical house filled with roaches, piles of garbage, and rotting food, but my body that I stuff with garbage and junk. See, I have excuses for myself, just like the people having excuses for themselves and their hoarding problems.

I am allowing myself to become buried alive in my own excuses for not continuing with my past weight loss trends. It's been nine months at the end of January, and for the first time I have to tell you I gained weight and inches. It would be easy to bury this under a bunch of excuses. But I can't, I won't. It's not an easy journey, and gaining weight sucks.

Lana is sure I can still reach my goal by May. Things will be different, portion control and writing down everything that goes in my mouth. When I started I never thought I would make it this far. Thank you for supporting me (every single day) and I continue to change my life.

One less day

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