Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bless... Texas?

There have been moments in my life where I look deep into my soul and promise myself that the particular situation will never happen again. For example the moment I experienced the 5th day of July in Houston Texas.
My roommates and I had just finished working a camp for a month when we headed back to the house so I could unpack my bags and fix to leave for Montana. Most of the time the only place your safe from the Texas heat is in your house or at Wal-Mart. Both places should have wonderful air conditioning. When away for the month, our broken AC went unnoticed leaving our house to become an oven. Our landlords were unable to fix it immediately, leaving us to melt for a solid 48 hours. My roommate and I would lay in the living room in minimal clothes as possible, with plug in fans blowing on us and ice packs all over my body. Not only were we dealing with the summer heat of Texas, we lived in it for the longest 48 hours of my life. It was then and there on that tan pleather couch that I made a vow with myself I would never suffer that amount of heat again. And I was doing well so far, I mean I moved back to Montana and if anything experienced the opposite. Unfortunately the vow of staying away from the heat came to an end a few days ago.

I’m always up for an adventure, so I agreed to attend Bikrum Yoga. Have you ever heard about it? Well, I’ll put it this way, Texas in July when trying to make myself into a salted pretzel. All due respect to the practice of yoga, this type of yoga is one for the history books. The room is a piping 105 degrees and 40% humidity, and for 90 minutes I did my best. But what was my best? Lying in a pile of sweat, remembering the days of Texas, and dreaming of ice cream was the best I could do. It’s always an adventure when trying something new, but at this point in my adventure I’m willing to do anything to change it up. Have you considered doing something beyond your comfort zone? I’m happy to go with anyone to Bikrum!

One Less Day


  1. Oh sister! You make me laugh so hard! I'd be adventurous with you...maybe next time I'm in the MT! That will be for your graduation! WOOP WOOP!

  2. So you'll go back??? I like Bikram...I have asthma so sometimes the thickness of the air becomes too much for me. I generally go to a beginner's regular yoga class, but last night went to a Vinyasa Flow class while I'm in Dallas for work for the week. The room was so warm from all the bodies and the lack of ventilation that I was dripping sweat by the end!

  3. I have never tried Bikram!!! But I've heard so many people rave about it because it's a much better workout than regular yoga (as far as losing weight, maybe notsomuch in the meditation/calming sense). Was it stinky?? I can only imagine how it would smell with a bunch of people sweating it out for over an hour in a small room. Not sure I could handle that part. :o)
